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Oticon MiniFit Corda brackets

1,99 €
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Oticon MiniFit Corda holders - for Corda miniFit tubes

The Oticon miniFit Corda Ear Grips for hearing aids with miniFit tubes are replacement holders for thin tubes from the Oticon miniFit hearing aid series. The EarGrips are for hearing systems on the Velox chip platform and their compatible hearing aid models.

Oticon miniFit Corda Ear Grip earhook holder - for Corda miniFit tubes

Oticon miniFit Corda Ear Grip earpiece holders - for Corda miniFit tubes are for compatible Oticon miniFit Dome series hearing aid shields. The soft ear holders are comfortable to wear and reliably secure the external earpieces of your classic behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids in the ear canal. They ensure maximum wearing comfort and protect the hearing aid shields from being pushed out of the ear canal and lost.

Specifications Oticon miniFit Corda Ear Grip

  • Weight: approx. 1 gram/pc.
  • Length: approx. mm
  • Color: transparent
  • Easy to assemble

Oticon miniFit Corda Ear Grip hearing aid holders for Corda miniFit tubes are compatible with certain Oticon hearing aids from the "Velox" model series as well as older models ("Polaris" platform and others). However, the hearing aid holders may also be compatible with some other Oticon hearing aid brands (Demant), such as certain Bernafon and Philips models.

Pack contains:

  • 1 piece of Oticon miniFit Corda Ear Grip

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